Tokyo promotion

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Tokyo Tourism Center found a new way of promoting the city: with anime. You can watch the video on their colourful website. Besides the video you can also explore the city with a quizz. I only watched the video (available in 8 different languages), and uhm well, it was OK...

The story: A girl of the future goes back in time to find happiness. She asks a boy from the past to help her. And they make a quick tour (of 10 minutes) in Tokyo. It's nice to see scenes/images of important places, but unfortunately it isn't always clear what kind of place it actually is. So I think that the video is more fun, interesting and understandable for people who already know something about Tokyo. But it's a really nice idea to promote the city by anime. Well check out the video for yourself on this website.

If you're looking for happiness, come to Tokyo!

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