Please pay attention to your roboteacher

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They serve your food, they take care of you in the hospital, they even make jummy ice creams! Now they also teach children at elementary schools: ROBOTS.

This week 29 robots are teaching children in Daegu (South Korea). The robots are remotely controlled by (human) teachers of English. Yes, these roboteachers are English teachers. The robots have a display with an animated face. Facial expressions of the human teachers (on distance) are detected by cameras and reflect them on the animated face.

Roboteachers are a part of a pilot program of the government. It seems to have a lot of advantages. You won't hear them complain about salary, stupid colleagues, or lose their temper because of an annoying kid. They only need an software update or need to be repaired once in a while. Hmm, it really won't take long, or some inventors will come up with this crazy idea to create a real robocop..ulgg...

Anyway, check out the video of a roboteacher, here at Jumi!

Read more about the roboteacher in this article of AFP.

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