Tokyo Extreme

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A little bit too late with posting this, but Dutch TV host Bo went to Japan to explore Tokyo and made funny reports in 3 parts: Tokyo Extreme.

The vids are in Dutch so we'll try to translate most of it! :)

Part 1: Maid cafe

Bo is going to work in a maid cafe as a *kawaii* angel. But she has some difficulties to behave very humble, (almost obedient) as Dutch aren't obedient at all haha. When the maid cafe shift is over Bo is tired to be all sugary nice. And wants to do something wild, so she's going to buy a Hello Kitty vibrator.

Part 2: Goth party

Part 3: Bondage

Bo is up on stage during the party to be all tied up by a bondage mistress. With a glimpse of La Carmina! ;)
During the act, Bo is wondering why she is doing this.. because she hasn't done this yet ofcourse. She explains after the show that is was really heavy plus there was an audience which made it all more intense. She won't forget this easily, but says it was really worth it!

The fourth part is with bloopers, which can be found here.

I wish Bo made more reports in Japan!

1 comment about "Tokyo Extreme":

February 2, 2011 at 6:09 PM

Vids are working now! ^_^

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