Happy 50th B-day Ken!

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He's a role model for a lot of guys these days. With his 'perfect' hair, face, sixpack, clothing and his slick attitude...Everytime, in every decade, every year, he always succeeds in seducing that one girl, Barbie. That role model is Ken.

It all began in 1961. On the set of his first commercial Ken meets Barbie for the first time. That day they fell in love and became a couple and they stayed together for a long long time. In 2004 they broke up. Toymaker Mattel told the public that this couple, just like a lot of other Hollywoodcouples, weren't in love with each other anymore. Yet, 2 years later they decided to get back together. And yes they're still a happy couple! Today is the 50th anniversary of Ken. Jumi congratulates Ken (and Barbie) with the anniversary!

Check out the history of Ken (sorry the video's in Dutch)

Source: www.zie.nl

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