Get refreshment through intravenous drip

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Yes, it's Friday! That means it's time to have a drink with your collegues after work (even though you're tired and sometimes don't even want to see the faces of some of your collegues in your spare time). Sometimes you're forced to have a drink at the office or at the same old boring cafe nearby. Sometimes there isn't much choice.

How would this social celebration of your weekend be, if you work in Tokyo and Nagoya? Well, then there might be another option and location for you to have your drink: The IV bar!

Don't expect to be served alcohol or other unhealthy stuff. Nope, this bar offers you a healthy refreshment after work. You can order a 'jummy' cocktail made of all sorts of vitamins and supplements through intravenous drip, while relaxing on a comfy chair, reading magazines with a beautiful view of the city outside. The cocktails only costs from 26 to 105 euro.

There a many reasons why people choose to go to the IV bar. "Some come here to have a cocktail to boost their energy, improve their health or beauty." (Source: Kyodonews).
Hmm, imagine having a drink with your collegues, while you're all stuck with cables, lovely.

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