Remake movie Ghost

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Last time I posted about one of my nostalgic movies: Robocop. During that period (or was it a few years later?), there was another 'blockbuster' starring Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze: Ghost. To be honest, I've never seen this movie (because I'm not a very big fan of the actor and I didn't like the story). Maybe it's time to give it shot and watch Ghost. Or well, I'll start with watching the remake of the movie: Gosuto, the Japanese version.

Yup, last year Ghost has been remade by director Taro Otani. Last autumn it has been released. In this version the woman dies. This role is played by Nanako Matsushima, who also played in Ringu (the Ring). Korean star Song Seung-Heon is the leading man in this movie. He's also known from the dorama My Princess.

Watch the trailer, here at Jumi!

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