Tweetmirror: ask for a long distance second opinion

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Yes! Today's the day that you're a day off from work (or school), so you decide to go to shopping for new clothes. Hmm, unfortunately your friends need to work today, but well just go shopping alone can also be fun. You're in a clothing store and found two beautiful sweaters: A cute pink carebear sweater and a purple Monchhichi sweater. But you can only buy one. Hm, let's try it on then, let's see which color looks better...And then the problem begins, both colored sweaters looks fine on you, and on this crucial moment you need a friend beside you, who can give his/her second opinion! Help!

In the near future, the solution might arrive everywhere: the Tweet Mirror. If you stand in front of this digital mirror you can see yourself (of course), but you can also take pictures with the special touchsceen on the mirror, while wearing the new outfit. The pictures can be send directly to Twitter or Facebook or you can just e-mail them. On this way, your friend can still give his/her second opinion as if he/she's standing next to you, on distance.

You can already find the Tweet Mirror in a couple of clothing stores in Europe. In the Netherlands and Belgium, four brandstores of WE already have this special mirror. So...which one shall I buy? Pink or purple?

1 comment about "Tweetmirror: ask for a long distance second opinion":

February 15, 2011 at 7:24 PM

funny!! when are we gonna try this? Lets change it into Purikura!!!!! :D

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