Marry me at the Mac

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In January they already started with this new service, weddingparties at their restaurant: The Mcdonalds! From now on you can order your McWedding-party at these restaurants in Hong Kong. You can already have a weddingmeal, with weddinggifts (hehe, now I imagine those silly plastic toys of the Happy Meals), pink invitation cards with the golden arches on it (ofcoure, ofcourse) and ofcourse it wouldn't be complete if the scary clown Ronald didn't appear somewhere. Ronald + the Hamburglar are on the decor during the party. This Mcdeal only costs 1282 US dollar! And you can even buy a weddinggown!

First I couldn't imagine that people would want to have their wedding at the MacD, but yes, there actually are couples who are really interested in this idea.

According to the director of the communications department, they already receive about ten calls a month. 'They date here, they grew their love here, so when they have this important day, they want to come over here'. 

Hm, maybe a Valentine idea for next year? Click here, to check out the McWedding-arrangements.

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