Fukushima plant becomes cartoon Nuclear Boy

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It's been a week now since the terrible happening in Japan. Sometimes extreme differences are shown in how media all over the world report about it. Some western media use a shocking way of bringing news, with headlines such as 'NIGHTMARE TRAPPED IN CITY OF GHOSTS', 'GET OUT OF TOKYO NOW' 'PANIC!' and so on.

Now the Fukushima plant is subject of the day. Today I saw a Japanese cartoon about this plant which has been portrayed as "Nuclear Boy". The first time I saw it I really didn't know what to think about it, because I only saw and read 'shocking' newsreports. And now I've watched this kinda humorous cartoon, about this boy who is a metaphor for the Fukushima plant. 'Nuclear Boy is portrayed as having a very bad stomachache and passing gas but still trying to hold it in' (source: the Wall Street Journal, blog Japan Real Time).

So what is your opinion about this cartoon?

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