Nintendo love tester is back!

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I still remember the first time when I played with a Nintendo. It was a Game and Watch handheld, a multifunctional product, because I also used the handheld as a TV, couch or bed for my Sylvanian family-dolls (sorry bro). So I grew up with the idea that Nintendo is the godfather of only making (video-)games and consoles.

But a long looooong time ago Nintendo also produced a lot of other products. In the late sixties they've created this special one: The love tester. And now I found out that a remake has been developed.

Of course this is just a funny, silly, rather useless gadget. Ah well, just as useless as a lot of other gadgets nowadays. How does it work? Well, first of all, the technology is pretty similar to which is used in lie-detectors. Both partners have to hold a knob and then hold hands (or make other physical contact). And then the meter indicates the strength of love for each other.

So if you want to give your friend an useless gadget again, or you're in a I-don't-know-what-to-buy-with-my-salary mood, you can order the love tester here.

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