Geminoid DK: the Danish humanrobot

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Last year I got a bit scared when I saw the video about robonurse Actroid F. A humanlike robot, that looks so realistic. Scientists won't stop till they've created the perfect robot that can't be distinguished from real humans.

Recently a new humanrobot has been introduced: Geminoid DK. This robot is a copy of a Danish scientist, Hendrik Scharfe. Mr. Scharfe wants to use this robot for his research about interaction between robots and humans. The robot is controlled by a special computer, that copies facial movements of the person who controls the computer. This one looks much more realistic (=scarier) than the 'friendly' robonurse.

Ulggg, a second ago a horror scene came across my mind. What if your best friend suddenly stands in front of your door at night, saying nothing, just looking at you with an empty look in his eyes. Ieeeek....


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