What the...carebear from hell?!

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Caution: Don't read further if you really love the cute cuddly care bears. The image below may cause a trauma for life.

So, do you remember those sweet, lovely, colorful ultracute care bears. When I was young, I used to believe that they actually exist and live above us, on the soft beautiful heavenly clouds. Aaaahh, is it even possible to hate these cute harmless bears?

Yup, unfortunately there are people who hate them and even torture them (without any reasons) all the way. Finally the cute bears are torn, broken, which eventually leads them straight to the hellish trashcan :(

Until Undead Ed 'saves them'. According to a legend, Undead Ed is a doll-maker, who collect dolls from all over the world. Only these dolls who are seemed to be tattered and worn. He tries to fix them and mend them as best he could....in his own freaky way...


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