Byebye D'espairsRay

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When it comes to J-rock music, I only like a very few bands. Because a lot of J-rock bands do sound the same and have the same look and things. Well, one of the bands I like is the band D'espairsRay.
They were only one time in Holland for a gig somewhere in 2006 but unfortunately I couldn't attend it.

So this wednesday, the band suddenly announces their immediate break-up. Weeeh now I will never have the chance to hear their music live. Gah. Well, I'm happy to have their first two cd's in my collection. If you are into J-rock music, go get these great cd's (Coll:set & Mirror).
So thanks guys of D'espairsRay for your music and good luck with whatever you will do in the future.

Oh I really want to add 1 extra song of them in this post: Listen here :)

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