Cosmetic guns: the Seven Necessities

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OK, I don't want to encourage our readers to buy and use guns, but I really need to share this with you. And nope it's not an ordinary gun, it's a cosmetic gun, designed by Ted Noten. Ted has made a series of handgun-shaped compacts: the Seven Necessities.

What's so special about it? Well, instead of real bullets, the loading chamber is filled with pills, there's a lip gloss in the muzzle, a toothpick and in some models you can find a hairpin and a small vial of perfume. The gun also hides a 4GB thumb drive for snapshots and personal data.

The guns are pretty expensive, from 8.000 euros to 11.977 euros, depending on the features of the gun.

Freeze! Or I'll shoot some pills in your mouth!

Check out the website for more information

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