International Korean Fashion Art Festival 2011, The Hague

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This year is the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Korean republic and the Netherlands. For this occasion there has been organized a special fashion exhibition in the Cityhall of The Hague. Today was the official opening of the exhibition and we went there. There was a beautiful fashion show with traditional Korean clothing (scroll down the see some images) and we could check out modern fashion of a couple of fashion designers. 

Modern Fashion design

One of the clothingdesigns caught my attention. It was a wearable body sculpture, knitted and woven together by using small strokes of catalogues and magazines. "The use of magazine pages symbolizes the idea of how media contains our self perception through fashion".Very interesting to see this piece of art.

Body Container - Muse, by Movana Chen -  Hong Kong
Other fashion designs, of mainly Korean designers, can be seen till July 2nd at the main Cityhall of The Hague (the Netherlands). If you're nearby, you really should check it out.

Korean Fashion Show

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