Clone yourself into a doll

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I think we have to wait a couple of thousand years, until we can clone a real life person safely. For those who can't wait to have a mini-me, this invention might be interesting: A human clone doll!

Now your dreams can come true, to become a barbiedoll, with your face! And guys can turn into a real action figure. It's all possible at the CloneFactory in Akihabara, Japan.

Inside the factory, you'll find a studio with special cameras installed everywhere, left, right, on the ceiling and so on. You have to sit in the middle of the studio and then pictures will be taken. The cameras are linked with a computer, where 3-D models are being created and then the 3-D model will be printed in plaster. Afterwards it will go into another machine to be coloured, put hair on it and a body. And there you have it, your own mini-me.

Danny Choo, a reporter in Japan, went to the CloneFactory, and he was cloned into a mini-stormtrooper. How cool is that, haha. Check out the video about his adventure.

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