Cup a la Cake Amsterdam: satisfying cupcakes & macarons

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Today JUMI went out shopping in Amsterdam. Ju sadly didn't find her dreamshoes.. BUT we did find this tiny shop 'Cup a la Cake' that sells cupcakes in several sizes and macarons. Macarons are hard to find in The Netherlands, but are slowly gaining attention.

So we were surprised to see so many different flavours of macarons at this shop!
We tried these macarons: Violet, Lavender and Raspberry.
If you are in Amsterdam, you just HAVE TO try this shops Violet macaron. Wow! In one bite several flowers are poppin in your mouth and a whole scene of Sound of the Music is playing around you :D It's a yummy one. Really yummy!!

We also tried the Red Velvet cupcake. Yummy in our tummy!! Sorry for my drooling, but they have good stuff. Cup a la Cake passed the JummyOrNot test :)

Cup a la Cake
Westermarkt 19

1016 DJ Amsterdam

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