Review Peestore: 2theloo

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Last time we've posted about the peestore, 2theloo, in Amsterdam. Yesterday we went there, to experience this unique pee-moment.

When you enter 2theloo, first you'll see a small store where you can buy useful toilet accessories and gadgets (from pantylines to funny packed chewinggum). Then the toiletarea. First you have to pay one euro at the gate, then you'll receive a ticket and you can enter the toiletarea. It's just like you're entering an amusementpark. Suddenly we had flashbacks of a toiletarea in a Japanese mall: clean, a huge mirrorwall and hot water coming out from the sink. And then the toilets. You'll be surprised when you're sitting on the toilet and a big chimpanzee is checking you out or you're just surrounded by a beautiful piece of art, or just another man sitting next to you, looking at you, in his most charming pose....Uhm...the toilets are decorated with huge *ahum* unique wallpapers :)

After your visit, you still can use the ticket to get a discount if you're buying something from the store. If you're in Amsterdam, urgently in search of a toilet, you definitely should go 2theloo.

Click here to check out the website of 2theloo.

1 comment about "Review Peestore: 2theloo":

July 4, 2011 at 7:58 PM

It was the most funny toilet I have ever seen and used. Freaky but very comfortable.

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