Mariel Clayton reveals other side of Barbie

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Do you really think that Barbie is the sweetest doll in the world, with an ideal boyfriend, living a perfect carefree life? Well, for the outside world she has it all. But in the meanwhile, when she gets home from work, she's so exhausted of playing 'miss perfect'. So her home is the only place where she can be herself...ahum...And Mariel Clayton, a photographer, caught real Barbie at home on camera.

Yup, that's her real life

Sure, drink all your sorrows away Barbie


I love the work of this photographer, she also made Barbie photos with other themes: photos inspired by paintings of for example Johannes Vermeer, Film Noir, Ken's true identity and much more. It's really worth, to check out Mariel Clayton's other work. Go to

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