Drama tip: Myung Wol The Spy - updated!

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There's another dorama that keeps us off from the streets ;)
Myung Wol The Spy is a nice series about an elite North Korean spy, Han Myung Wol, infiltrating South Korea on a mission to disrupt the Hallyu Wave by kidnapping one of their top stars, Kang Woo.
But.. Myung Wol is slowly falling in love with the arrogant Kang Woo.
I find it an enjoyable k-drama! Watch it here.

Update * Update * Update * Update

Wow this dorama turns out to be a real life dorama!! According to the latest news, the leading actress Han Ye Seul couldn't hold it anymore and has left to the US, leaving staff and crew behind in Korea.  There are still some episodes left to be filmed. Apparently the actress wasn't happy with the director, so she wanted him to be replaced, which didn't happen. Hmmm.... They should write down this whole situation into a scenario and a new drama is born!! ^^

Check here the official statement of the production company. Well after this statement she changed her mind and promised to return to Korea this thursday. What an exciting cliffhanger... will she or will she not return to the set?........ 

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