Mass games: Changing human billboard

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Billboard, advertisements...we're almost drowning in the huge amount of ads outside and on the tv, nowadays. I can't even remember which advertisement I saw, just a few hours ago, when I walked down the street. It's just too much.

You might remember some of the ads, because it's digital, with moving/changing elements. It's different and it stands out. In some countries they have moving ads, which doesn't change by using digital stuff, computers or whatever, but it changes by human hands. This is what they call: Mass games. (Well, it's not really really advertising, yet it sends a message by using images...)

To celebrate the birthday of the leader, 100.000 people gathered at the Arirang festival (North Korea) on August, to give an unforgettable show, by mass games. They all hold a colored paper and during the games they have to change it to another color. Watch the video, here at JUMI.

Just watch the wall, as it changes. Yes, it really is a human wall...

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