Supercute song from Lee Seung Gi - Love Time

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So today I was working at home, sitting in front of my computer. My hands were icy cold, so I grabbed my cup of warm tea, while looking outside the window. The sun was shining...and for a moment I felt like I was Seoul, sitting in a relaxing coffeeshop, enjoying the atmosphere with a cup of tea in my hands, while listening to soft background music....And suddenly I woke up, because the song I was listening had ended!

Yup, the new poppy song of Lee Seung Gi - Love time/Alone in Love, made me feel this way for a moment. The song is so cute, sweet, touching (with short conversation breaks, it's like you're sitting between Lee Seung Gi and his girly friend)! Click here to listen to it, maybe you'll find yourself for a few minutes in a coffeeshop in Seoul too.

Source: thank uuu (^_^)

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