Dramatip: Swallow The Sun

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While Ju is into the drama A Thousand Kisses, I am drool.. uh watching Swallow The Sun with Ji Sung as the main actor. We know him from Protect the Boss where he plays a spoiled guy. For Swallow The Sun he got all buffed up for his character and has trained alot to be a convincing tough rebel whose parents are unknown. He meets the girl of his dreams in a unfortunate situation. And just when he thought to be given a chance in life when he meets a rich and powerful gangster, he gets cheated by him. His revenge is to bring him and his wealth down by all means. But then... he finds out something very important and shocking.

This drama is really exciting and adventurous! It has an interesting plot and some unexpected events. It was filmed in Jeju Island, South Korea. But also in Las Vegas and South Africa. And we get to see 3 different looks of Ji Sung ;)
Together with a bunch of well casted actors this is a drama to watch!

1 comment about "Dramatip: Swallow The Sun":

November 1, 2011 at 7:31 PM

This dorama is getting better and better each time! Storyline is really good!

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