Usagi Drop at Camera Japan

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Finally we've seen Usagi Drop/Bunny Drop. And I must say, the director Sabu made an awesome live action adaptation of this manga and anime.

The film starts the same as the anime, so where the two main characters meet each other for the first time. And I must say, I was impressed by the acting performance of the little six year old (young) girl, Mana Ashida, who played Rin. She's just as cute as the anime-version. And Kenichi Matsuyama as Daikichi played his role very well too. There was just one scene with a classroom full of toddlers and for a moment I saw a kid looking into the camera. Ah well, I guess this is inevitable and it's not really disturbing.

Even though the subject of the movie is pretty serious (thirty year old single man has to take care of the daughter of his grandfather, so he has to face parenting and nurture for the first time), there were a lot of funny moments.

Usagi Drop is a feel good movie, for a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon.

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