Dramatip: Me Too, Flower

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Yesterday night I was planning to try a new drama, while waiting for the subs of A Thousand Kisses. Watching one episode of the new drama Me Too, Flower should be enough, before it's sleepytime. Well, I ended up watching too many episodes, that I had some difficulties waking up on time this morning. Yup, Me Too, Flower is a must-see!

The story with the characters in it, is a bit the same as other dramas I've seen: Tomboy meets manlyman. You can already guess how the story ends, yet it so funny, and sometimes tearjerking to see how the two main characters evolve. The tomboy, played by Lee Yi-Ah, is a tough police officer, who bumps into a guy (Yoon Si-Yoon) one day, while walking in the street. This wasn't a pleasant first meeting. She's already in a bad mood. She's cranky because of her work, ex-boyfriend and other stuff, that her boss even sends her to counseling, to work on her bad attitude. But why on earth is that guy on the street getting in her way?!! Of course this wasn't their last meeting, because they accidentally meet each other again and again in the city. Anyway, even though she's having bad moods, at home she can be in peace, dreaming about her idol, who's hanging as a poster in her bedroom (haha, some of the scenes with her idol are soooo funny). And that guy on the street, well, what kind of loser is that? Or isn't he? Or does it look like he's perfect, having everything, or not?

I think I've said too much. You just need to watch Me Too, Flower at dramacrazy.net.

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