Leonardo DiCaprio is casting for Akira

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Even though I'm not looking forward to it, I was 'shocked' again, when I found out who's planning the cast for the live action movie Akira: Leonardo DiCaprio....He's one of the new producers for the movie. Yup, what the *huh*?

So, Garret Hedlund (Tron) and Kristen Steward (Twilight) will probably have the role as Kaneda and Kei. And there is another name added to the list of possible castmembers: Ken Watanabe (Memoirs of a Geisha, the Last Samurai, Inception). He will turn into the Colonel. Well, that sounds a little bit better than Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman.

There's a lot of criticism about the movie: Hollywood's choice to use white actors instead of Asians, and it will also take place in the US instead of Japan. Hmm, why still calling the movie Akira...Recently George Takei (Star Trek) openly criticized the Akira casting. Click here to watch this video.

Wonder how the live action movie Ameri-akira would look like? Hmmm, maybe like this video.

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