Eat some brains at Capcom Bar in Tokyo

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Next Wednesday, the 25th of January, will be the grand opening of Capcom Bar! And I've seen some jummy pictures of the food they serve: a real Resident Evil desert, called BRAIN CAKE! And also other game-themed food, such as Ace Attorney's rice/pasta and Monster Hunter appetizers.

Besides food you can also find (of course, of course) game demo kiosks and buy stuff. And Capcom will also use the location to host talk events with game creators.

So if you're in the neighbourhood next Wednesday, then run to the Capcom Bar, on the first floor of the Pasela Resort in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

"Zombies are targeting your brain. Equip the blade and fight!"

Mmmm, jummy brains with some bloody juice...
More info and pictures at

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