Movie ROBO-G: Grandpa in a robosuit

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OK, I just saw a funny trailer of the new Japanese film: ROBO-G. The film is directed by Shinobu Yaguchi. It's about the new robot, ‘Robo-G’, which has been created by three employees of a small electronics maker in order to get the company more exposure. Unfortunately, they have bad luck, because the robot gets destroyed shortly before they wanted to show it to the public at a robo-expo. Now they came up with a pretty strange idea: put a real human inside the robot structure! Because the show must go on. And guess who has to be that person....a 73 year-old grandpa. From then on, ‘Robo-G’ becomes more popular than they ever dreamed. Things turn much more bizarre when a young female student falls in love with the robot. Haha, hilarious!

Anyway, the robot looks awesome. No high-tech, hypermodern technology or other futuristic stuff. It's just a nice old-fashioned robot, with some scratches.

The movie has been released a few days ago in Japan. Check out the trailer.


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