Hatsune Miku at opening ceremony Olympics?

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Who do you wish to see at the opening the 212 Olympics London? Gaga? Bieber? Or maybe another type of idol singer. Type? Well...according to a recent online UK poll of "Singers you'd like to perform at the London 2012 Olympics", the majority of the voters didn't vote for superstars such as Gaga or Bieber, but the virtual singer Hatsune Miku.

Hmm, the changes to see her perform at the Olympics are really small, because the poll isn't official and Hatsune Miku is not really real. Even though she's extremely popular in Asia and also in the US, it would be too strange to let her perform at this big international event. But it would be so cool if the organization would choose for the virtual idol. It only makes this years Olympic opening much more unforgettable, right?

Source: zdnet.com

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