Kitano's new movie Outrage Beyond

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I totally love Kitano Takeshi's gangster Yakuza movie 'Outrage'. And recently Kitano announced the cast members for his upcoming Yakuza movie 'Outrage Beyond'. Yup, you've read it right! There's a sequel!!! Aaaaaaahhhh.

In Outrage Beyond, Kitano, again, has the role of character Otomo. In the first movie Otomo ended up in prison, stabbed in his back to death (or at least, I thought so). In the second part he's still alive and is released. Then he finds himself caught in the middle of a feud between Yakuza groups in eastern and western Japan and a police crackdown on organized crime. Oeehh.

Anyway, Outrage Beyond will be released on October 6. If you haven't seen the first one, Outrage, you definitely should check it out. It's a good Yakuza movie, with some unforgettable scenes (like the lovely dentist scene hehe).


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