Big Bang welcome you to Korea

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These guys, with their tough, almost bad boy image, suddenly look like innocent sweet little boys, starring in a new commercial.

Yup, they have been chosen to participate in a public campaign 'Hello Korea' to encourage visitors to come to the country. Director Han Kyung Ah, of the marketing department said “Popular idol group Big Bang’s friendly, approachable image pairs well with our campaign concept. We hope that through our partnership, visitors will warm up to the idea of visiting Korea.”

Well, it doesn't take much to persuade me to visit Korea, because I'm already dying to go there (for sure, I will eat 24-hours non stop, from the moment I set foot on the country), but I don't have the money, *boehoeh*. Anyway, back to Big Bang. In the commercial they greet foreigners in Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Thai and English. And the way they greet, hahah omg, with a Disneyland-ish voice, Mickey Mouse Club dance, hahaha lovely, as if they really welcome you to Disneyland. Little children will definitely love the commercial. Check it out, here at JUMI!

Source: allkpop

1 comment about "Big Bang welcome you to Korea":

May 7, 2012 at 7:25 PM

nahhhh, they shouldve make Kang Don Won do the voice over, i'll do anything his voice says XD

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