Meet the Hair-Washing Robot

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If you're too lazy to wash your own hair, then this new invention might be perfect for you. And you don't even have to ask a person to wash your hair, but....a ROBOT!

Last month Panasonic introduced the Head Care Robot, a real Hair-Washing Robot. It's a special machine attached to the chair. The machine has three arms. One on the left, right and one beneath the neck, each with eight fingers. This way, the robot can massage the shampoo and conditioner better in your hair.

The robot is in trial at Hair Salon Super Seo in Nishiyama City (Japan). Originally it's designed to support staff at hospitals and care facilities with hair washing. But I think that if it really becomes a success, we will find these robots in hair salons too (in the near future). Hmmm, do you want to try this robot out? The small thick fingers of this robot look too scary to me. You can't ask the robot to massage your head more softly. What if the robot suddenly freaks out and presses your brain out, OMG ieeeekkk!! Check out a demonstration of the hair washing robot.

Source: japanprobe

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