Review: Jean Paul Gaultier x Coca Cola Light

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The design bottles of Coca Cola are back and this time the drink is bottled in a Gaultier couture!

And ofcourse I had to try it. The design of the pink bottle is sexy, and has the typical Gaultier look! Personally I liked the ones by Karl Lagerfeld more. I had this bottle for a while being pretty in my fridge. But yesterday I was craving for some sparks, so I had to open this bottle.

Without the cap, the bottle is kind of useless. Also it looks a little dull and I can't put the cap back on. Maybe if you are a big fan of Gaultier or Coca Cola, then there's a reason to keep the bottle. Mine disappeared in the bin. Sorry Jean Paul! :)

The coke inside was just Coca Cola Light. Again, when seeing the bottle, I expect an exotic strong drink. Maybe my eyes are too spoiled... To me this bottle was nothing more than another Coca Cola bottle.

What do you think about this campaign? Would you keep the bottle unopened on your desk as a decoration?

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