How to survive a Robopocalypse

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Sometimes they look so cute. But sometimes they're scary as hell. For example the realistic clone of a Danish scientist: the Geminoid. Or the one that can think for itself (and is also self-learning). What about the hair-washing worker. So, the day will come that they'll take over a lot of our own work. OK, what am I blabbling about? ROBOTS!

It seems like science fiction. But what if they really are going take over the world? Well, there's a person, Daniel H. Wilson, who wrote the sci-fi book "Robopocalypse".  Daniel is a robot-expert. Now Epipheo interviewed Daniel to find out exactly how to survive a robot uprising. It's pretty interesting and the interview is not too technical, so everyone can understand it. Watch the interview here, at JUMI!

Oh, by the way, Steven Spielberg has committed to direct a film based on Daniel's book Robopocalypse. It will be released on July 3, 2013. And I can't wait to see it!!! 

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