Jummyornot: the cakes of St. Anny

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Let's start this saturday with something sweet from our hometown! Mmm... sweet stuff...*drool*...
All locals probably know this little Chinese bakery in "Chinatown" called St. Anny.
If not, or if you always passed it without taking a peek inside, you should visit this bakery and get some cakes. They are wonderful to look at and quite a tummy filler!
When I walk by this bakery, I always suffer an acute craving for cake. Luckily holy named St. Anny is there to help us!

St. Anny has cakes in several colours and various flavours like fruits, chocolate and coconut. The small cakes have a nice decoration on top with coloured cream and a touch of jam.

Suprisingly they are not too sweet as they may look. Also the flavours aren't very present. The cakes are very light and fragile because some of the cakes got damaged in the box :(
They kind of taste all the same, which isn't a bad thing. The chocolate one and strawberry cake has a hint of extra flavour. And that's just enough, because else it would be too sweet.
The cakes taste fine and fresh, just what you would expect from a cake.

All cakes are 1 euro per piece ($1,30). That's cheap compared to other bakeries!!
Actually St. Anny also has other snacks besides cakes, they have all kind of baked pastries and warm dishes.

Sooo end conclusion of our cake review.... definitely jummy!
You can visit St. Anny at Wagenstraat 77 in The Hague, The Netherlands.

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