Saturday chill song: A Walk in November with JR GROOVE

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Yes, it's weekend! No more horrible bosses *peepin'* about nothing. Nope, it's time to relax, without someone who is watching you. Eat a bag of chips, pasta and french fries while lying in bed, sitting on the toilet or anywhere. Wearing torn pj's the whole day. Farting and burping free and easy.

And this song helps a lot more to relax and chill: A Walk in November of JR GROOVE. It's future-oriented piano music, which sounds... relaaxing (duh), dreamy, beautiful. It starts small and sweat, but turns big without becoming overdone. The MV totally fits the song. No overwhelming nonsense and strong colors. Just one person who's letting it all go, through a beautiful, almost hypnotizing dance. Check out the video, here at Jumi!

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