Sweet Trick 'n Treats

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There is a new sweets shop 'Trick 'n Treats' in Utrecht (The Netherlands).
The store is so colorfull and with friendly staff. Let's try some fudge, a cupcake and macarons.
The fudge was supergood, I tasted raspberry with vanilla and chocolate with honey. Mmmm :)
A bit dissappointed with the macarons, they tasted a bit watery for us. Or maybe we are too spoiled with Cup a la Cake :))
But the pistache cupcake.... was soo yummy yummy!
Anyways, if you need a spot for sweets in Utrecht: www.trickntreats.nl

They are planning to open more shops in Holland. I really hope in The Hague too, can't wait to taste their other cupcakes.

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