Don't spray your perfume. Swallow it.

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We all know that some spices (and too much garlic) can have a negative effect on the smell of perspiration. And here, in our little country, we've had some hot days. And one days like these, it's not really nice to sit in a overcrowded bus, with sweaty people everywhere. Luckily we have deodorant. But unfortunately, as I smelled it today around me, it looks (uhh smells) like this doesn't work for some people.

Now Lucy McRae, an Australian body architect, came up with something new, that will make your sweat smell pleasantly. It's a perfume capsule which you have to swallow. And then the fragrance molecules will be excreted through the skin whenever you're sweating. It's not available yet, but it won't take long, or we will swallow our perfume. So the more you sweat, the better you smell!


Check out other sweat solutions: Aircospray and Cooling Necktie

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