Re-use your chopstick: turn it into a plant

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When I order food to take away,  I often get wooden chopsticks with it. Too bad that I have to throw it away after using it, because I already have a tray loaded with chopsticks. Wouldn't it be nice if you can re-use the sticks for other purposes?

Well, designer Gyeongwan Koo came up with the idea to 'recycle' the chopsticks into plantholding sticks. This is how it works: after finishing your sushi, bulgogi or chicken teriyaki, you just have to stick the chopstick into the ground. Wait a few days and....there you have it: a plant is growing out of your chopstick!

The secret is a special cap, with seed in it, at the end of the chopstick. The cap is harmless when you accidently put it in your mouth. When the stick is planted into the earth (of course the side with the cap), the cap will be dissolved. How cool is that! So in the future, we all grow chopstickplants in our garden.

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