Happy Halloween!

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We wish all our readers a happy scary creepy Halloween!

This mv from OK Go won't let you down

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OK, we still don't have reached the weekend, where we show you the music video of the week. BUT I just saw this mv and I couldn't wait to show you this. This time a mv of American band OK Go with I Won't Let You Down.

OK, this happy song isn't really my cup of tea, but the music video is sooooo coooool!! The guys of the band drives on a cute little Uni-Cub Beta scooter. OK cool... And you'll see umbrellas, peope holding umbrellas, dancing. OK cool... BUT it has been filmed with a drone flying over the dancing umbrellas. And the result is soooo cool! From 3:36 you'll see different colors coming together creating some kind of computer screen-ish view. Coool!!

OK, enough talking, just check out the video, here at JUMI!

Is this a kiwi or a kiwi?

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I still can't get enough of animal swaps. Say what? Well, elephants with gorillafaces for example. Or a horse who thinks he's a squirrel. Sooo funny! Now artist Sarah DeRemer created funny swaps of animals with fruit and veggies. Fruity funny!

Click here to see more fruitimals or veggiemals

Days like today by 2AM

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Today might be a day to just sit and relax. Think about anything. Think about the past. Maybe wondering about where someone is, what he/she does, if he/she thinks about you. That's what the new song of 2AM is about.

The music video is lovely, relaxing. It follows an old man, wondering, thinking about someone. Because he misses her... how sad. A nice, lovely song for a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Click here for an English translation of the song

Starbucks is like art

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You love it or you hate it: Starbucks. Well, I totally looove Starbucks coffee (except the price for a cup). So do some people, that they create the most interesting, weird, gorgeous artwork starring the famous cup with the green lady on it. Korean artist Soo Min Kim is a cup artist specialized in Starbucks cups.

The artist covers parts of the green logo with white paint and redraws something extra on it, to create a whole new interesting cup. For example, in an illustration the green lady is suddenly transformed into Kentucky Fried Coffee character.

Memorable movies in bricks... uh Lego

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15 Year old Morgan Spence (Scotland) looooves Lego and movies I guess. Because now he has created a video with scenes of famous movies. From Titanic to the Shining. His favorite part is from Singing in the Rain. He loves this scene because it is so recognisable, he said to Dailymail. Pretty awesome. Check out the video, here at JUMI!

Click here if you want to read more about Morgan's project.

Gaeko releases dark beautiful Rose MV

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OK, this week no Fridaysong, but a sad Saturday song. This time it's the song from Dynamic Duo's Gaeko singing Rose.

Gaeko sings Rose very nice with a dark sad edge. It fits definitely with the video. The video for “Rose” is both powerful and disturbing, showing the drastic measures taken by a man who is unable to let go of his lover. *spoiler* She appears dead in the video and he pretends that she's still alive by taking her home, applying nailpolish on her nails, having dinner 'together'... It's like watching a short film. Very nice!

For subtitles click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function

Even in Disneyland they love selfies

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OMG, selfies. Sometimes I see horrible selfies passing through on Instagram. But sometimes I find some interesting ones. And so does Simona Bonafini (Italy). Recently the artist 'spotted' (or well, created) some famous (duh) Disney characters with their own selfies. Check out the hashtags that the characters have used.. and the comments! Funny!

Jumi on tour: Camera Japan 2014

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Yes, this year too we went to filmfestival Camera Japan in Rotterdam. And hm. It looks like we're seeing lesser films each year. Last year we've seen two films. And ahum, you can guess how much films we've seen now: one.

Aarrghhh, yup the filmschedule. It didn't fit with our schedule (yup, taking a day off from work wasn't an option, because this, in the eyes of nagging bosses isn't a 'urgent reason' to take a day off. OK, enough nagging about work). So we've only seen Unforgiven starring Ken Watanabe. This is a remake of Clint Eastwood’s 1992 western. Now it's taking place in Hokkaido in the 1880's. The story is about an ex-samurai who gets hired to revenge the mutilation of a young prostitute. The film is not really my cup of tea, but I don't think it's really bad or whatever. The story is slowly paced, therefore I got bored in the longer scenes, so you shouldn't expect hardcore action. The interesting thing is that the Ainu (native people from Japan) played a small part in the film. Interesting because in 'old movies' I often see the focus on Samurai and geishas. Is it worth watching it? It's OK to watch it at a rainy Sunday afternoon. But if you're already in a nagging mood or tired hm.

The festival (location Rotterdam) is pretty much the same as last year. There was a small market, artwork, performances. The filmschedule didn't fit with our schedule. Too bad. Because the few films (two) we really wanted to see where shown on crappy days during crappy times. So about the offer of films... hm. OK, last year we've seen two films, this year one. Next year zero?

Walk in Paris with Han ChaeYoon

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Little Jumi still can't get enough talking about her experiences in Paris (especially her heavenly moment with the snails). So this time I'll treat her with a song of Han ChaeYoon with Walking In Paris.

The song and MV are really cute (so of course you won't see images of dirty metro stations, rain or people arguing), definitely something for little Jumi. A cute little moment to dream again about Paris.

Jumi in Paris: in snailheaven at Le Bouillon Chartier

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Yes, finally she did it. Little Jumi has eaten snails or l'escargots for the first time in Paris. And she loved it! Yup, by recommendation she went to a French (duh) restaurant Le Bouillon Chartier.

Without any expectations she arrived at the restaurant. It has a simple and oldish look, but it's charming. The dining area is huuuge! And I can understand why. There are many tables and many maaany customers. So Jumi had to share the table with two other customers. But that's OK. The funny thing is that those two customers didn't know each other, but started to have interesting conversations about anything. And I think that's normal here (or maybe in the country). If you start to talk to a stranger in a restaurant in Jumi's city, you'll get a angry face immediately or the stranger will grab his/her smartphone just to avoid conversations (haha that's me). The restaurant has a good atmosphere. Next: the heavenly piece of escargot!

Friday night time for Dirty Dancing

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Yup, it's weekend, so it's time to dance all your stress off your body. And this time... well, I can't get this song out of my head from JK KimgDongUK singing Dirty Dancing. No, nooo don't think of Patrick Swayze iiiekk. Because I looove this Dirty Dancing.

The song is simply happy danceable. And the singer has a happy sexy low voice ooehhh. Anyway, the MV looks blurred line-ish (yuck!), but luckily you're not only seeing those stupid girls dancing around, but ordinary people too, showing off their dance skills. Coool!

Enjoy the video and your weekend!

Inceptive optical illusion?

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Optical illusions, pictures that will trick our eyes and mind. I still can't get enough of looking at these pictures. I love it! I think we all know the picture of the old lady-young woman.

Now I've found a cool optical illusion picture with a photo of the movie Inception. It's just a plain photo, nothing special. It's not moving or whatever. Boring! But wait, you can move this pic. Say what? Well, first you have to look at the swirling picture for 30 seconds. Afterwards look at the Inception photo. It moves! Pretty cool huh.