
MBC Star Audition 2011? - updated #2

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Just found out about MBC Star Audition 2010. A search for the next K-pop star held by Korean channel MBC. The auditions were held on Youtube and they were accepting international entries. And 2nd auditions were held in South Korea. Why am I always late with these kind of contests...??
Wah... K-pop group JUMI... *dreams* Haha
Well if there's gonna be a next search of 2011, JUMI is joining. Right JU? ;D

Anyways, this guy has an incredible voice. Just wanted to share this with you all.
He is singing the song of dorama Secret Garden: Reason by 4Men.


Good news guys, there is going to be a second season of MBC Star Audition! You better start preparing if you didn't know this and are as late as I am finding this out XD
Soompi.com is now the official partner of MBC Star Audition and has the latest news about this competition. Open auditions will be held in Los Angeles on July 16, and London on August 6. And if you can't make these open auditions, then you can audition online via YouTube. Just read that they haven't set up a special Youtube channel yet. So we have to wait a bit..

So go to http://www.soompi.com and participate!

Ofcourse JUMI will participate! But it's now July 11.. hmm I should search for a song quickly!! JU you better hurry up learning those dancemoves!! :D


Another update yes, because the official Youtube channel of MBC Star Audition is open for entries now! Go check www.youtube.com/mbcaudition

We have found the perfect song for us to participate, but now we have to Jumify it. It may take some time but we'll definitly keep you updated here. (^^)

9 comment about "MBC Star Audition 2011? - updated #2":

February 11, 2011 at 1:11 PM

Yup, MBC Star Audition 2011 here we come! (ik wil dan wel een achtergrondzangeresje zijn die dan links in het hoekje staat, waar de licht niet schijnt haha)


February 11, 2011 at 2:05 PM


April 15, 2011 at 3:55 AM

a job well done
loved it
keep up the good work
doesn't matter the shape or size to me
as long as you worked hard and it's usually a success which it was

July 10, 2011 at 5:17 PM

You know what page must go up the video?

July 11, 2011 at 8:48 PM

@Anonymous they haven't started the youtube channel. Hopefully they will soon!

July 12, 2011 at 6:32 PM

Hmm, I can't sing that well, so maybe we have to sing Bubble Pop? 'Babel babel babel pap' :)

July 15, 2011 at 9:46 PM

This is the Youtube channel. An upload button should be available soon... http://www.youtube.com/user/mbcaudition

August 9, 2011 at 4:09 AM

I'm from Mexico, I can participate
And when it expires this audition?

August 15, 2011 at 7:26 PM

Hello! Ofcourse you can!
You have to submit your video before August 20. Good luck!!! http://www.youtube.com/mbcaudition
Please keep us up to date ^^

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