Purposely miss train to watch waterfall wall

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Imagine this: You've just missed your train and now you have to wait thirty long looong minutes for the next train to arrive. Nooooooo! So you're already annoyed, standing on the trainplatform. And the annoyance is getting worse, because you're surrounded by noisy annoying people. And on top of that, you're having a view on old, half broken grey walls, with chewed bubblegum sticked on it, meaningless writings and ugly drawings and maybe some old smelly ketchup of a hamburger, that some crazy person just smeared on it.

Well, I wouldn't be that annoyed if I was waiting for my train at, uhm, let's say.... the Osaka Station City complex in Japan! I don't even mind missing the next train, and the next train and the next train. I think I would be too hypnotized to feel some annoyance, just by watching this waterfall display at the station.

1 comment about "Purposely miss train to watch waterfall wall":

September 15, 2011 at 8:04 PM

heeeeeeeeeeeeeee i saw this in real life!!! It was at a mall next to Hep5 Osaka i think?? It was beautiful to see.

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