JummyOrNot: Coconut Ice by The Ultimate Collection

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So today I tried the Coconut Ice candy by The Ultimate Collection.
I've seen it sometimes in a shop, lurking at me and whispering "I know you want me" in a sweet voice. Well today I finally give in and bought it! It's fudge with a coconut taste according to the package which is showing us deliciously looking soft fudge in pink and white.

So I opened the package, and there is a much smaller sachet with some blocks of fudge. They are not white and pink. They are white and not-so-white-peachy colored. They look rather dry and broken than soft and fresh. And when I bite into it, it doesn't take me to a tropical island but it takes me to a cheap supermarket. What is this? I have been fooled by the perfectly cute looking package. It was expensive and sooo not worth the money! It's really dry, tough to chew and it just taste like sugar. I can't taste coconut, just only the sweetness of sugar unfortunately.

This candy definitely failed the JummyOrNot test :(

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