Spongebob Nike Dunk Heels High

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OK, this time it's not a post about a new Hello Kitty shoe. Nope, it's all about Spongebob. Yup, the annoying talking sponge. While I was searching for some Nike Dunk heels high, I found the Spongebob version. Even though I hate this talking sponge, I like the way how Nike has implemented the character into the shoe. It even has spongeholes. There's also a Mickey Mouse version of the shoe....Even though these heels look funny, I don't want them! I'm waiting for the Nike Dunk heels high (or low) Hello Kitty version! How long do I have to wait??!!

2 comment about "Spongebob Nike Dunk Heels High":

June 30, 2014 at 2:23 PM

Available padin po ba to?

July 2, 2014 at 5:45 PM

I'm not sure if they're still available, because these came out a long time ago. Maybe you can google these shoes.

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