Laputa: let your figurines float in the air

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Always wanted to show a magic trick to your friends? How about letting your figurines float in the air. Without using your hands! So you're not holding it, or using wire. Just let it float by itself. Seems like real magic, right?

Well....ahum...before doing this trick, you have to help you figurine, by putting it on a rotating blue circle. And there you have it. It's floating! Is it magic? Not really.

This machine uses magnets. Both of the magnets react to each other in a certain way, that the plate (or circle) stays up in the air. Too bad that you can only put things on it with a maximum weight of 100 grams. I'm sure we'll see bigger versions in the near future (and then we can all float in the air, yippeee).

Source: thanko

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