
Eat noodles sliced by Chef Cui... the robot

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A lot of the noodles we eat are cut and sliced by machines. But there are some noodle restaurants where it's still handmade. Everyday chefs cut and slice noodles day by day in restaurants. Unfortunately this job isn't very popular anymore. "With more and more joboffers, young people don't want to work as chef to slice noodles. And this job is very exhausting".

But now Cui Runquan from China invented Chef Cui: the noodle-shaving robot! According to a noodle shop owner, the robot "can slice noodles better than human chefs and it is much cheaper than a real human chef". Hmm, what if someone wants to apply for the job of 'chef-noodle', will he be rejected because someone else is better and much cheaper: mr. robot?

Ah well, robots are already replacing humans. They even wash our hair now, make our coffee and icecream. They even replaced beggars on the streets... Hmm, when do we get real robocops (i don't mean the fake cyborg movie version^_^)?

Source: geekologie

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