Have a glass of Star Wars water

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Because of the hot weather, it's wise to bring a bottle of water when you go outside. So what if you're in a park, chillin', with your bottle of water on your picnic table. Suddenly some people decide to sit at your table, putting their bottle of water on the table.... of the same brand. So?.... But wait....which one was your bottle? Annoying, isn't it?

Wouldn't it be nice to have your own slightly different looking bottle?

Well, recently two designers, Mandy Brencys and Diego Fonseca, re-modeled a bottle of the brand Evian into something galactic: Star Wars bottles of Evian! Pretty cute huh. So now you never get confused which one is your bottle.

Anyway, would you choose for the Dark Side of water, or stay safe with C3PO water?

Unfortunately I don't know where to buy these bottles. So if you have seen them somewhere, please let me know ^_^ 

Source: trendhunter

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