Historical drama favorite: Faith

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OK, I really don't like historical doramas, but I HAD to see Faith. I just saw the first episode and....I love it!

This really isn't a typical boring dorama. Faith starts with an animation and
it goes waaay back in time. A Kingdom has been attacked and the princess gets hurt. She's dying and nobody can help her! Now a bodyguard of the king, Choi Yeong (Lee Min Ho!!), has to find someone who can save the princess's life. So through some kind of gateway to heaven he has to find "God's doctor". But actually this gateway brings him to the future, or well 2012. There he meets the possible God doctor...or well, he thinks she is. But she's not. Eun-Soo is just a 21st-century plastic surgeon. So he kidnaps her to the past, so that she can save the princess. And now I have to see the second episode.

Besides the beautiful animation, Faith also has a lot of hilarious moments. I laughed out soooo loud, when Choi Yeong travelled to the future. Of course, because he's from the past, he's never seen a car, camera or a TV before. So the look on his face and how he reacts on these normal things.... so funny! But imagine seeing a man from the past right now on the streets. Wearing a historical outfit and a huge sword. How would you react? I think you would have the same look on your face like Choi Yeong haha. You would think he's nuts.

So, Faith is funny, has animated moments and there's some action. Love it. Anyway, I'm done talking. I need to see the next episode now! Yayy!

Source: dramacrazy

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