
Protect your face from the sun: wear a facekini

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OMG, we've just had some hot hot summers. So everybody went to the beach to get a tan. Well, instead of seeing brown faces, I often saw red burned faces and orange tans hahahahah beautiful....not.

Some people in China love the opposite: not getting a tan while having fun on the beach. White skin is considered a sign of beauty in China. So to enjoy beach-life without getting a tan, they have the facekini!

The facekini is a mask, made of elastic fabric, that entirely covers head and neck down to the collarbone. Of course it has holes, or else you can't breath/smell, see and talk. And they come in different colors. This way the facekini is also multifunctional, because it can scare sea-creatures off. The orange colored masks keep sharks away because they fear this color the most. Hm, besides sharkes, it can scare me off. Imagine waking up at night, and suddenly you see someone with an orange colored facekini in your room. Ieeek!!

Source: odditycentral

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