Burger King's black hamburger

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I looove food, but there are a few things that might get stuck in my throat, because it looks too odd for me to eat. For example: Glow-in-the-dark-Sushi.

Well, I've added something else on my list: a Black Hamburger! Yup, Burger King Japan is in a crazy mood, or well, they have their reasons. There are a lot of jummy (fastfood) restaurants in Japan, so with this burger BK really wants to stand out.

So, is the bun rotten or what? Nope, and it's not burned either. They put Bamboo Charcoal in the dough to get it that black. The ketchup is black too. It's ketchup with garlic, squid ink and some seasoning. You can order the black hamburger (Kuro Burger) from 28 September. Hmm, even though I like BK's hamburgers, I think I'll skip this one.

Source: rocketnews24

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